MJC Tuba Stick
As a player with a very long back, I've had issues with not only the height limitations, but with constantly fighting with the weight the instrument pulling it over, away from the player.
The MJC Tuba Stick deals with both issues
Adjustable for different height and shape of chair, and adaptable for growing young players.
The name "Tuba Stick" came from the first time the late "Benny" Morris (Bass Trombone, Hallé Orchestra 1999-2015) saw my EEb.
"Oh look! It's a Tuba on a stick!"
So, that's the name we use!
"Mike, I could kiss you, well, not actually! It feels weightless, I wish I'd had this 20 years ago!"
Lee Tsarmaklis, London Philharmonic Orchestra. Besson 981
Swiss Tuba player, Marc Unternährer, is 1.98 meters tall in his bare feet. That's 6'6" in old money. Fitted on His B&H EEb with the original Swiss Cavalry leadpipe.
The Tuba Stick takes the weight of the instrument straight to the chair. All the player has to do is balance it. The instrument becomes, effectively, weightless.
The Tuba Stick is available as an adjustable version for lengths over 80mm. Any shorter than that they are a fixed length construction. I have a 'stub", as shown in the picture on the right, on my 1943 Holton 6/4 BBb tuba. It does not adjust the height, but holds the 13.4kg/29lb. weightless when playing.

MJC Tuba Stick adjustable
MJC Tuba Stuck "stub"
Alternate length "stub"
From £90 (depending on dents)
Silver plating